Download Application Form

Application process:

  1. Applications are received: Post, hand delivered, online applications and emailing.
  2. Applications are screened against the checklist to check if all requirements are met, if not, the applicant is informed of the missing documents in writing, if yes, the application goes through to the next level;
  3. If the application has met the selection criteria according to the checklist, a site visit is conducted to verify that the project exists. Interviews will be conducted with the NPO/PBO/NGO and may be extended to project beneficiaries;
  4. If the funding request is R10 000 and below, the CSI Manager can approve it, if it is above R10 000 it goes to the CSI Committee for approval;
  5. The CSI Committee will decide which projects are awarded funding based on the approval criteria, the site visit report and availability of funds;
  6. The applicant is then notified in writing of the outcome of the application.

The CSI Committee will sit bi-monthly to review applications.


Submit application form here